man utd started the game with 4-3-3 formation while valencia started the game with 4-4-2 formation . now the team plays in a coach's image as to what he thinks about the game and how he wants them to play with the player at hands . man utd at both ends had been hopeless . firstly mouriniho like to play with big man but can he think past that . can he play his team without lukaku . i know him playing rashford uptop has not yeilded desired results but then he is one to be blamed as he needs to coach his team as to what they need to do when they have the ball and the respective movement and positional aspect of the game . most importantly i whole agree that man utd are lacking a team leader a player who will push others . the team is lacking in character and direction . you just cannot put the team and you need to think about the whole aspect of the team . man utd were hopeless were at both ends of the pitch with not feeling comfortable on the ball . 
the game started with man utd in the ascendency and valencia sitting back and trying to hit man utd on the counter . the reason why man utd dont have a direction .mouriniho's team are mostly trained to play on the counter attack . so whenever any teams sits back and asks mouriniho's team to open them up then his teams have struggled . when teams are primarly drilled to play counter offense then they have a tendency to take the ball from back to front very fast and try to explore the spaces that are left behind . mouriniho's team are never eye watching most importantly his teams are not designed to open up oppositions formation . his teams particularly struggle when team sit back and play defensive game . valencia's coach must had studied this and must had known this from his time in spanish football . so he devised tactics according to that . even though valencia had two up front they would get behind the ball and make it six in the middle of the park . while mouriniho like his team to have a very disciplined defense the same is not expected from his team on offense .
man utd were the ascending team and valencia were trying to counter . now teams try to hold a line when they defend because if you cave in too much and let the opposition too much in your half in trying to absorb the attack it may backfire . most importantly on the counter offense teams play through their centre forwards and if you can press and stop their main man then i think you can stop the counter . valencia were going to play through rodrigo or batshuayi so you just have to read the game and dont offer them any time and space on the ball . man utds centrebacks were doing excatly opposite of that they were giving both valencia forwards time and space on the ball . since valencia had two in the middle so utd's back four were getting compact which was letting space on the flanks for valencia to explore which they were doing particularly on the left flank through guedes . had valencia been little bit more patient when they could get the ball in utds final third then i think they would have had success .
as i had said whenever teams are drilled to play counter they take the ball up very fast but this can thing can back fire when teams are taking the ball quickly . it has its own drawbacks because when you pass the ball to the forward line he may get isolated because there may be no continuation to the move after that pass . so he either may have to cross or in trying to overdo loose possession . the reason may be because when the ball is passed to the forward line he may not have the necessary numbers . secondly when utd passed the ball to the forward line the distace between the midfield and forward line was about 25-30 yards so by the time the forward recives the pass . the defender would be on the recivers toes making it difficult for him to work the ball . secondly the midfield support line is too back to play a slick crisp football since the time taken for 10 yard passes is double to that of 20-25 yard passes so that is out of equation because you cannot play crisp football with too much of space between lines . thirdly there needs to discipline over the ball . sanchez ,rashford just dont have that they just try to overdo with the ball . you need to be patient on the offense as well . you need to read the defense as well and then make your moves . mouriniho hasnt got the brains in terms of offense . most importantly can be think of the offense minus lukaku because how many times did he lost the possession plus his understanding of the game is not very good . most importantly as i had said that they dont have a leader on the field . one who would take others to sword and most importantly he would push others to play better and have some discipline in him . i think mouriniho is not the right man for man utd and should either bring carlos quieroz back .
i worry about man utd because new fans are made when a team plays good positive football not some boring football . his constant criticism of his players and the hopeless display of his team is nothing but going to harm man utd as a brand and it would be better they release him for good .

the game started with man utd in the ascendency and valencia sitting back and trying to hit man utd on the counter . the reason why man utd dont have a direction .mouriniho's team are mostly trained to play on the counter attack . so whenever any teams sits back and asks mouriniho's team to open them up then his teams have struggled . when teams are primarly drilled to play counter offense then they have a tendency to take the ball from back to front very fast and try to explore the spaces that are left behind . mouriniho's team are never eye watching most importantly his teams are not designed to open up oppositions formation . his teams particularly struggle when team sit back and play defensive game . valencia's coach must had studied this and must had known this from his time in spanish football . so he devised tactics according to that . even though valencia had two up front they would get behind the ball and make it six in the middle of the park . while mouriniho like his team to have a very disciplined defense the same is not expected from his team on offense .
man utd were the ascending team and valencia were trying to counter . now teams try to hold a line when they defend because if you cave in too much and let the opposition too much in your half in trying to absorb the attack it may backfire . most importantly on the counter offense teams play through their centre forwards and if you can press and stop their main man then i think you can stop the counter . valencia were going to play through rodrigo or batshuayi so you just have to read the game and dont offer them any time and space on the ball . man utds centrebacks were doing excatly opposite of that they were giving both valencia forwards time and space on the ball . since valencia had two in the middle so utd's back four were getting compact which was letting space on the flanks for valencia to explore which they were doing particularly on the left flank through guedes . had valencia been little bit more patient when they could get the ball in utds final third then i think they would have had success .

as i had said whenever teams are drilled to play counter they take the ball up very fast but this can thing can back fire when teams are taking the ball quickly . it has its own drawbacks because when you pass the ball to the forward line he may get isolated because there may be no continuation to the move after that pass . so he either may have to cross or in trying to overdo loose possession . the reason may be because when the ball is passed to the forward line he may not have the necessary numbers . secondly when utd passed the ball to the forward line the distace between the midfield and forward line was about 25-30 yards so by the time the forward recives the pass . the defender would be on the recivers toes making it difficult for him to work the ball . secondly the midfield support line is too back to play a slick crisp football since the time taken for 10 yard passes is double to that of 20-25 yard passes so that is out of equation because you cannot play crisp football with too much of space between lines . thirdly there needs to discipline over the ball . sanchez ,rashford just dont have that they just try to overdo with the ball . you need to be patient on the offense as well . you need to read the defense as well and then make your moves . mouriniho hasnt got the brains in terms of offense . most importantly can be think of the offense minus lukaku because how many times did he lost the possession plus his understanding of the game is not very good . most importantly as i had said that they dont have a leader on the field . one who would take others to sword and most importantly he would push others to play better and have some discipline in him . i think mouriniho is not the right man for man utd and should either bring carlos quieroz back .
i worry about man utd because new fans are made when a team plays good positive football not some boring football . his constant criticism of his players and the hopeless display of his team is nothing but going to harm man utd as a brand and it would be better they release him for good .