on sunday real madrid played barcelona at the santiago barnebau . after the game the first thing that i read after the game was that of piques comment that this was the worst real madrid side that he had played . to be honest this is the game where on my criticism of pique that he is the weak link in their team was confirmed . there are many a questions that are left unanswered by this game . first off did barcelona got the right man in the form of kiki stein as their manager because i dont see real changes in the game play . now winners are not questioned and since real have won so zidane wont be questioned . but the way they played then i thought that they were looking for a draw . there is no game plan other than counter attacking .even on the counter attack they dont have a proper cohesion . if there is one player that i am so disappointed then it is isco . isco had the best shot in the open play on barcelona's goal but to be honest there are several instances in the game where on he is found wanting .his positional understanding as well as decision making was absolutely hopeless and at times hopeless . isco is playing in the number 10 position and he is given the freedom to move anywhere . so when he has the ball he should be talking to the players telling them as to where he does he wants them and also play himself in . he needs to talk with his coach about the tactics .most importantly he needs to be available for pass all the time in the attack . to be honest i am not at all satisfied with his positional intelligence . barcelona had one chance in the game at goal and it fell to griezman . now can a striker like griezman miss a shot like that but the answer lies in the barcelona's tactics . 
this is game from where i am going to divert from tactical to tactical positional analysis . i want to take some examples and since pique is the big mouth i want to show as to how he is responsible for the goal . the centre backs are considered to be the team organiser on defense and they are the one who have the command as who needs to do what and so lets take his example . here in the first thing kross has the ball and the positions are as shown . here pique should be readind as to what kross can do and the empty spaces that his team is leaving and he should be giving a should to either braithwhite or semedo to drop a little deep because there was a big space between him and semedo and this is where pique comes short .he should had realised the danger and should had given the call to semedo in particular because it is his zone or he could had moved a bit more towards semedo so that he could had narrowed the space in which kross released vinicius so that he wont have got that space and time on the ball to get the start and made things difficult . another instant is of the second goal that real scored here too umtiti went out wide to closed down mariano who turned on him . here pique should had read the danger and should had shown him the outside and most importantly he should had gone quickly to close mariano down . while doing so he should had shouted to his other players to close down the gaps and look out for runners who would come at the end of the pass that the player that pique is closing . this is how pique is .

there is another thing i want to talk about and this time i am able to show it in the pics . isco released vinicius in the space with benzema in support .now vinicius was surrounded by three to four players . now this is what intrigued me . instead of getting near vnicius and tryin to have some interplay he pulled away from vinicus leaving him to deal with those players surrounding him .now his thinking is trying to get in a goal scoring position but then there are lot of variables come into play . first off can vinicius deal with them .secondly the air time or the time the ball travels is the most important thing because the longer the pass the more time the opposition gets to do something and take preventive measures . now instead of going wide if he stays in close proximity to vinicius then not only there can be interplay but half of the players gets benzema's attention which in turn gives vinicius to do something . coaches need to creats such plays and they need to teach their players as what they need to do .they have to take moch drills teaching them as to how they can work these situations and get something out of it .

this is game from where i am going to divert from tactical to tactical positional analysis . i want to take some examples and since pique is the big mouth i want to show as to how he is responsible for the goal . the centre backs are considered to be the team organiser on defense and they are the one who have the command as who needs to do what and so lets take his example . here in the first thing kross has the ball and the positions are as shown . here pique should be readind as to what kross can do and the empty spaces that his team is leaving and he should be giving a should to either braithwhite or semedo to drop a little deep because there was a big space between him and semedo and this is where pique comes short .he should had realised the danger and should had given the call to semedo in particular because it is his zone or he could had moved a bit more towards semedo so that he could had narrowed the space in which kross released vinicius so that he wont have got that space and time on the ball to get the start and made things difficult . another instant is of the second goal that real scored here too umtiti went out wide to closed down mariano who turned on him . here pique should had read the danger and should had shown him the outside and most importantly he should had gone quickly to close mariano down . while doing so he should had shouted to his other players to close down the gaps and look out for runners who would come at the end of the pass that the player that pique is closing . this is how pique is .

there is another thing i want to talk about and this time i am able to show it in the pics . isco released vinicius in the space with benzema in support .now vinicius was surrounded by three to four players . now this is what intrigued me . instead of getting near vnicius and tryin to have some interplay he pulled away from vinicus leaving him to deal with those players surrounding him .now his thinking is trying to get in a goal scoring position but then there are lot of variables come into play . first off can vinicius deal with them .secondly the air time or the time the ball travels is the most important thing because the longer the pass the more time the opposition gets to do something and take preventive measures . now instead of going wide if he stays in close proximity to vinicius then not only there can be interplay but half of the players gets benzema's attention which in turn gives vinicius to do something . coaches need to creats such plays and they need to teach their players as what they need to do .they have to take moch drills teaching them as to how they can work these situations and get something out of it .