i hope there is an end to ronaldo vs messi debate because ronaldo is just too ordinary to be comapared to messi .
yesterday polanad played portugal in the first q/f of the tournament . should these two teams be in the q/f is the first question . the football played by these teams had been poor and to be honest i dont know about poland but after the euros even if portugal go on to win the competetion i dont see no reason why they should keep fernanado santos in the job . if there is another team which is fighting english team with no clear direction then it would be portugal . portugal do have some of the finest players in the competetion like sanches, jao mario and queresma but there is no direction as to what they need to do . the only thing that they do is that whenever the ball comes in and around the box then they tend to cross it in the box trying to find ronaldo without having a proper thought in the mind as to where should he be or where should they place the ball or whether the ball should be a low cross or a high cross . at times i found portugal to be too reckeless about the ball . they seemed to be too eager to cross the ball rather than trying to have more penetration in the opposition's box .

the game started with poland playing 4-4-1-1 formation while portugal started with playing 4-4-2 formation . the game started with poland scoring fastest goal of the tournament . the thing is cedric misjudged the bounce of the ball and Grosicki was able to find lewandowski in the box . the thing with lewandowski nowadays is that he leads the line but he likes to come deep and collect the posssession and move the ball up . nowadays instead of leading the line on the offense he lets somebody get beyond him while he arrives late or stays just off the six yard box in the hole . the success that he has got this season is because of that only where on muller would go beyond him while lewandowski would stay just behind muller so that muller would keep the centre backs busy while lewandowski would find the space in front of the defenders . after the goal poland just slowed down the game they knew they had the advantage and they wanted to draw out portugal forward and then hit them fast but the thing about poland was that they didnt had a no.10 . milik was playing in the no.10 position but he was just happy to get beyond lewandowski or shoot the ball at the slightest encouragement . another thing that was bad about poland was that they passed the ball poorly . at times when the ball needed to passed quickly they held it and when they could have held it and choose better options to pass the ball they tried to move the ball and lost it . i was disappointed by Blaszczykowski and Grosicki. first thing was that they didnt cross the ball and instead tried to move the ball and have deeper penetration . they should had realised that portugal were quicker than them in the foot race . secondly they should keep the opposition guessing as whether he is going to cross the ball or going to come inside ( how many times do i write this ) . both the polish wingers at times over played it and when they could have had crossed it and tried to test portuguese back two in the air they tried to open them on the floor . poland failed to take advantage of one thing and that is that had they moved the ball quicker then you could see that there was a lot of space in and around william carvalaho because both sanches and adrien silva were going high up the pitch and poland did had some joy of moving the ball through that space but failed to create a clear cut opening . third thing is that italy had already shown as to how players hunt in pairs and how eder and pelle are doing it . milik and lewandowski didnt had any cohesion .
before i write about portugal let me tell you that comparing messi with ronaldo is nonsense . yes ronaldo can beat messi in only one that is header because of his height but footballing wise ronaldo is just another ordinary player . now portugal started the game with 4-4-2 formation . the first mistake that carvalaho did was that when portugal lost the ball he should had strided to come to his position which is front of the back four . if you see then he is seen striding back which he should had done earlier when he had seen that they had lost the ball . portugal are one of the worst side in the tournament . they just aim to cross the ball in the box . the players seem to be lost and dont know as to what they should do when they have the ball . to be honest poland were too open and there were lot of spaces to exploit had portugal wanted to exploit it . the polish first target was that to deal with crosses in the box and stop ronaldo from getting at the end of it . if you see then there was quite a lot space between the polish players where on had the ball moved crisply and quickly then portugal could had opened poland . Maczynski and Krychowiak are not the most mobile player and the equaliser proved that . i was confused by adrien silva's role he comes up the pitch but isnt much involved in offense . he doesnt stays besided carvalaho and provide the cover leaving him exposed . so when he brought moutiniho instead of him who made quite the difference and portugal started to assert themselves more .
yesterday polanad played portugal in the first q/f of the tournament . should these two teams be in the q/f is the first question . the football played by these teams had been poor and to be honest i dont know about poland but after the euros even if portugal go on to win the competetion i dont see no reason why they should keep fernanado santos in the job . if there is another team which is fighting english team with no clear direction then it would be portugal . portugal do have some of the finest players in the competetion like sanches, jao mario and queresma but there is no direction as to what they need to do . the only thing that they do is that whenever the ball comes in and around the box then they tend to cross it in the box trying to find ronaldo without having a proper thought in the mind as to where should he be or where should they place the ball or whether the ball should be a low cross or a high cross . at times i found portugal to be too reckeless about the ball . they seemed to be too eager to cross the ball rather than trying to have more penetration in the opposition's box .

before i write about portugal let me tell you that comparing messi with ronaldo is nonsense . yes ronaldo can beat messi in only one that is header because of his height but footballing wise ronaldo is just another ordinary player . now portugal started the game with 4-4-2 formation . the first mistake that carvalaho did was that when portugal lost the ball he should had strided to come to his position which is front of the back four . if you see then he is seen striding back which he should had done earlier when he had seen that they had lost the ball . portugal are one of the worst side in the tournament . they just aim to cross the ball in the box . the players seem to be lost and dont know as to what they should do when they have the ball . to be honest poland were too open and there were lot of spaces to exploit had portugal wanted to exploit it . the polish first target was that to deal with crosses in the box and stop ronaldo from getting at the end of it . if you see then there was quite a lot space between the polish players where on had the ball moved crisply and quickly then portugal could had opened poland . Maczynski and Krychowiak are not the most mobile player and the equaliser proved that . i was confused by adrien silva's role he comes up the pitch but isnt much involved in offense . he doesnt stays besided carvalaho and provide the cover leaving him exposed . so when he brought moutiniho instead of him who made quite the difference and portugal started to assert themselves more .
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