yesteday man utd played southampton at home and it was paul pogba's debut . people had been questioning whether he is really worth the money that utd had spent on . what do you want from a player that he should be good in one on one situations ,comfortable on the ball in air as well on floor and a good shooter . doesnt pogba ticks all these boxes . he does and for that its money well spent by utd . in football a good offense is a good defense and for the first time i would say that jose should be creative and work on the utd offense more than on defense . if the offense is good then the opposition doesnt like to come forward too much or are afraid to commit too many players forward . i think with zlatan pogba and mikhitariyan utd's offense has got a whole new dimension and the threat has multipled exponentially. why i am saying this is that because both pogba and ibra are the two best headers of the ball . secondly both are very good shooters from long range so goal threat is not only in the box is quite beyond that and that gives utd a very sharpe edge .

now about the match utd started the game with their 4-4-2 formation while southamptom were 4-3-3 . even though utd have so many good players they are still playing on the counter attack . although its jose's team and it will play the way he desires but then in the first times utd were one dimensional and it is because there attack was limited to one zone and they were not able to spread the ball and were made to either cross the ball or give away . both shaw and valencia saw a lot of the ball because both wide players were coming inside congesting the midfield and allowing spaces on the flanks for the fullbacks to bomb forward . as i had said that in my previous review of utd that pogba will require a much speedier partner in the midfield . utd are playing fellaini in the midfield and he is played for the fact that he is good in air and is good on the ball but he is slow . there were times when he got played around . because of fellaini and rooney southamptom had a very good penetration in utd's zone . firstly they moved the ball very crisply seconldy they had number's in the midfield and thirdly the movement by their front players was the reason why could get the ball . the front players started inside but then drifted out to collect the ball and get it much deeper into utd half and that would cause problems in other matches . the one thing for concern for utd's team is daley blind because time and time again southamtom were trying to cross the ball in his zone rather than baily's zone and win the header . i think in air he can be caught and that is the worry . utd should work that the ball shouldnt get that much deeper in their territory and if they can do that then that will be the domination .
over the last two game rooney had been playing in the no. 10 role and had been poor . he had been poor on the ball with the ball and off the ball and had been poor on the pass as well . he will be criticzed for his display but i think he has some qualities and the cross for the first goal was that . first let me tell that pogba, zlatan and others are very comfortable on the ball and if somebody had played football then they would know that players like playes who are comfortable on the ball that is why great players like to play along side each other . what rooney needs to do is just play one touch football rather than just trying to collect the ball and spread it . he needs to get his head high quickly when receiving the ball and pass crisply . no need to spend time on the ball and when he has time and space on the ball he can do his magic . thirdly he needs to create that understanding with ibra who is very comfortable on the ball . he will pass the ball if he finds that rooney is not comfortbale on the ball just as valencia does hesitates to pass to mata because he know that under pressure mata may loose possession .
i think utd need to play blind in the midfield he is good passer and reader of the game will help utd win the ball higher off the pitch . seconldy herrera needs to partner blind in the midfield to have that necessary mobility and pogba can play behind ibra .
i think southamptom have got a very good coach in puel who likes to play the ball the ball on the floor and likes to pass quick. the penetration by southamptom was good and had they worked it a little bit i think it would been much more exiciting .
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