barcelona played juventus on tuesday night . over the course of last decade or so barcelona had shaped the world football . no club had changes the course or say helped football evolve and helped them with new styles and thinking . the barcelona coaches had been looked by the world since they bring something new to the world be it gaurdiola's intense pressing and tiki taka game which would test opponents concentration to the maximum . while luis enrique's side showed the effective use of counter attacking . their is a tendency in the coaches that they try to do something differnet to show that they are different from their predecessor's . their are other factor's that had made valverde's job interesting . first off their messi who has definitely has his say in terms of the position that he wants to play and the other one is iniesta who must had been unhappy in the luis enrique's formation because he wasnt seeing that much off the ball and secondly he didnt had the lisence to bomb forward as he did had under previous manager's . juventus was the first big test that his side had and i am not too certain that even though the scoreline suggested that barcelona had a comfortable game i wouldnt be too sure about that . barcelona definitely had more possession and definitely dominated the game but they are supposed to do that but the thing is that barca had their best lineup and juve definitely missed some key players and that makes all the difference . i had already said in my previous posts that players are the ones that make the formation work .
juventus and barcelona both started the game with 4-4-1-1 formation or make it a 2 as you want . now i am coining a new terms here and that is " riddle" . for me defense is a riddle that the team on offense needs to solve . the defensive formation is a riddle that the offensive needs to solve . team deploy different stratergies to solve that but the defensive team tries to put a question before the offensive team by deploying different formation and putting players behind the and trying to congest some park of the pitch which the opposition is likely to exploit or like to play in that zone or can have some advantage in that . now in the game barcelona are supposed to dominate and have more possession of the ball while juve are supposed to sit back and hit back on the counter . even though on the paper it is shown that barcelona were playing 4-3-3 but in reality they were 4-4-2 . the difference between the barca of the old is that iniesta is playing on the left side and had the same lisence of movement as he had under gaudiola . the other change had been that messi was coming deep and trying to help the midfield move the ball upfield . this has obvious drawbacks first off with messi moving deep there are not too many players upfield to exploit the weakeness there is sometimes or counter attack very quickly which had been the feature of the luis enrique team . the second drawback is that you allow the opposition to get players behind the ball . juve were going to sit deep with number and hit on the counter . in the juve's formation bencantour was playing on the right had side but he was playing more central than right and wasnt bothered to track alaba but was more concerned about messi's movement through the middle and iniesta who may start on the left but likes to move inside with the play . so in order to narrow down the space between himself and prajnic he stayed very close prajnic and made the middle three .
as i had said that with messi dropping deep means that barcelona didnt had players upfield who can cause trouble to juventus whenever barca recover the ball . while in enrique's time there would MSN high up the field who would launch a counter and that made them successful . messi dropping deep means that even though ball was passed to suarez he had to pass it back and that would give time for the juve players to get behind the ball and hold their shape . juventus were having two rows of four were defending deep . they were not concerned about the space that alaba was getting on the left had side since bencantur wasnt tracking him but barcelona were unable to exploit that advantage . as barca were letting time for juve to get men behind the ball . the responsibility to unlock juve's riddle was place on iniesta's and messi's shoulder who tried to dance through the defense only to be stopped in the middle of the move . for me suarez wasnt that involved in the offense as he was supposed to be .
i will first talk about juve and then their shortcoming . juve were sitting back and hitting on the counter . the difference between the barca of the old and the new is that this barca seems to conserving energy and gone is that high pressing . instead they play deep and keep on dropping just as the ball comes up and dont try hasty moves . juve had joy when douglas coasta had the ball since barca just couldnt determine as to whether he was going to cut inside or stay wide and throw crosses . first off at time juve just tried to be too hasty with the ball in trying to hit barca on the counter . they should had realised that barca were not pressing and that they could just be patient and move the ball better and build a better attack . for me matuidi never did very well in the middle of the park and prajnic missed khadeira who complement him very well . prajnic was the only guy who impressed me in the juventus team his distribution was excellent and most importantly he could read the moves very well and made some very good interceptions and stopped barca's offense in the tracks . he really missed khadeira who complements him very well .
now as i had that player make the formation and tactics just looke the way messi rounded prajnic and brazagli . had there been bonucci and chilleni they would had read the play and done what would had been necessary but barzagli failed to read the move and messi scored . this is the difference between good player and ordinary player . they read the play and not only position themselves but they give appropriate instructions to their teammates as well .
there had been some new player at both the clubs and there had been talk about the players that had been signed . first off demebele who was signed by barca . he didnt had much to show but his trouble is that he tries to overdo things and the coach will have to teach him as to when he should take on and when he should pass but i dont think that he can as be influential as neymar . second is matuidi who was signed by juve . the trouble with matuidi is that he has a great engine but not the discipline and the brain that is required to play in the middle two . his lack of discipline must had been one of the factors as to why PSG must had let him leave .
the man that had been quitely influential had been busquestus who is just joy to watch . he just keeps the game rolling and his only weakness had been that on the defensive side he tries to just be hasty and gets rolled on or gets outmuscled and if he can just cover that he will be absolutely a beast since his technical ability and his eye for pass is very good .
juventus and barcelona both started the game with 4-4-1-1 formation or make it a 2 as you want . now i am coining a new terms here and that is " riddle" . for me defense is a riddle that the team on offense needs to solve . the defensive formation is a riddle that the offensive needs to solve . team deploy different stratergies to solve that but the defensive team tries to put a question before the offensive team by deploying different formation and putting players behind the and trying to congest some park of the pitch which the opposition is likely to exploit or like to play in that zone or can have some advantage in that . now in the game barcelona are supposed to dominate and have more possession of the ball while juve are supposed to sit back and hit back on the counter . even though on the paper it is shown that barcelona were playing 4-3-3 but in reality they were 4-4-2 . the difference between the barca of the old is that iniesta is playing on the left side and had the same lisence of movement as he had under gaudiola . the other change had been that messi was coming deep and trying to help the midfield move the ball upfield . this has obvious drawbacks first off with messi moving deep there are not too many players upfield to exploit the weakeness there is sometimes or counter attack very quickly which had been the feature of the luis enrique team . the second drawback is that you allow the opposition to get players behind the ball . juve were going to sit deep with number and hit on the counter . in the juve's formation bencantour was playing on the right had side but he was playing more central than right and wasnt bothered to track alaba but was more concerned about messi's movement through the middle and iniesta who may start on the left but likes to move inside with the play . so in order to narrow down the space between himself and prajnic he stayed very close prajnic and made the middle three .

as i had said that with messi dropping deep means that barcelona didnt had players upfield who can cause trouble to juventus whenever barca recover the ball . while in enrique's time there would MSN high up the field who would launch a counter and that made them successful . messi dropping deep means that even though ball was passed to suarez he had to pass it back and that would give time for the juve players to get behind the ball and hold their shape . juventus were having two rows of four were defending deep . they were not concerned about the space that alaba was getting on the left had side since bencantur wasnt tracking him but barcelona were unable to exploit that advantage . as barca were letting time for juve to get men behind the ball . the responsibility to unlock juve's riddle was place on iniesta's and messi's shoulder who tried to dance through the defense only to be stopped in the middle of the move . for me suarez wasnt that involved in the offense as he was supposed to be .
i will first talk about juve and then their shortcoming . juve were sitting back and hitting on the counter . the difference between the barca of the old and the new is that this barca seems to conserving energy and gone is that high pressing . instead they play deep and keep on dropping just as the ball comes up and dont try hasty moves . juve had joy when douglas coasta had the ball since barca just couldnt determine as to whether he was going to cut inside or stay wide and throw crosses . first off at time juve just tried to be too hasty with the ball in trying to hit barca on the counter . they should had realised that barca were not pressing and that they could just be patient and move the ball better and build a better attack . for me matuidi never did very well in the middle of the park and prajnic missed khadeira who complement him very well . prajnic was the only guy who impressed me in the juventus team his distribution was excellent and most importantly he could read the moves very well and made some very good interceptions and stopped barca's offense in the tracks . he really missed khadeira who complements him very well .
now as i had that player make the formation and tactics just looke the way messi rounded prajnic and brazagli . had there been bonucci and chilleni they would had read the play and done what would had been necessary but barzagli failed to read the move and messi scored . this is the difference between good player and ordinary player . they read the play and not only position themselves but they give appropriate instructions to their teammates as well .
there had been some new player at both the clubs and there had been talk about the players that had been signed . first off demebele who was signed by barca . he didnt had much to show but his trouble is that he tries to overdo things and the coach will have to teach him as to when he should take on and when he should pass but i dont think that he can as be influential as neymar . second is matuidi who was signed by juve . the trouble with matuidi is that he has a great engine but not the discipline and the brain that is required to play in the middle two . his lack of discipline must had been one of the factors as to why PSG must had let him leave .
the man that had been quitely influential had been busquestus who is just joy to watch . he just keeps the game rolling and his only weakness had been that on the defensive side he tries to just be hasty and gets rolled on or gets outmuscled and if he can just cover that he will be absolutely a beast since his technical ability and his eye for pass is very good .
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