what a roller coster week this had been for dortmund they played 3 games in that time and they won -draw and lost one . whoever had watched dortmund last week would not believe the decline that dortmund had in just one weeks time . they absolutely destroyed wolfsburg and anybody who would had watched that would had thought they are going to major force to be reckon with in germany as well as in europe . in all the three games dortmund started with the same formation that is 4-1-4-1 . the way approached the game was similar in all the three games and the style of play was similar . the tactics and the game plan and the execution was all the same . the trouble is that even though when dortmund blew wolfsburg away there were warning signs and touchel was just ignorant to take them into consideration . let me take one game at a time and present it .
wolfsburg vs dortmund .
now dortmund's approach to the game had been the same in all the game . he has spiegel in front of the back four protecting the space and he would sent his other two players in the middle high up the pitch and the game plan had been in every game . either they try to release abumeyang behind the back four and use his pace or use the wide players like dembele and pulisic or emere mor to run on defenses and try to open up the offense . against wolfsburg they had a very easy game because wolfsburg try to play a very open game and that got into the hands of dortmund who could press wolfsburg very hard and other thing that was very good for dortmund is that wolfsbug play a very high line and that too without any hard press and the formation is too open . if you look at the distance between players then you would be amazed and dortmund just took advantage of that . the other joy for dortmund is that the space that their wingers got against wolfsburg . if you had watched dembele that day then you would had been amazed . he turned veirinha inside out but the trouble was that veiriha didnt got enough protection from the wolfsburg midfield and that is why dembele could terrorise veiriniha . but there were warning signs against wolfsburg which touchel ignored and he paid that against real madrid and leverkusen . the thing is that wolfsburg were finding space in front of the back four time and again and touchel was doing nothing to cover it . only speigel was there and he couldnt cover the big space that was there in front of the back four . if you had looked at wolfsburg shots on goal on dortmunds goal then time and again you would see that most of their chances were created in front of the back four . you could even see that just like in leverkusen game also time and again .the one important thing was that when crosses were made from the left by leverkusen then they didnt tried to find somebody in the box or tried to exploit the space in between the back four and the goalkeeper but the ball was cut back and it was played in front of the back four.
dortmund vs madrid
real madrid are very good at playing counter attack and if you let them play that then you will get killed . thats what dortmund did and they almost got teared up . now at times i find touchel to be tactically naive because if things are going in front of his eyes and he does not corrects it then its not proper . the manager is there on the touchlines so that if he sees his primary game plan working then he could switch to other one and time and again i had seen that touchel game plan had been the same throughout the game . dortmund got into a fix as to what they need to do against real madrid as to whether they need to do pressing or should they hold the shape and defend . the pressing was singular and not the whole team was involved in it . real madrid could just pass the ball around and play around on the counter and hit dortmund hard . most importantly they were finding spaces in front of the back four and the space left by the fullback . madrid were just milking dortmund on the counter and most importantly time and again speigel was getting exposed and he couldnt get enough support from his team mates . the back four wasnt coming forward because of the fear of leaving space behind and the other two midfielders were caught high on the pitch .
leverkusen against dortmund .
in this game dortmund got really dismantled . the offense was one dimensional . they tried one single thing time and time again and they were rightly punished for it . leverkusen press hard but they just dont go for it like a mad dog and get themselves exposed . they choose a moment on where on they can press the opponent and then go full on pressing . they let the opposition come on them and dont go on chasing after them . for leverkusen the middle four are very important and they are the ones that are responsible for the press and for ticking the team . kampl and aranguiz just read the game very good and they are nicely seconded by chalangolu and mehmedi. the trouble with dortmund was that they just had one game plan and that was release abumeyang in behind the back four but leverkusen played deep and seconldy their centre backs had good understanding between them and they both martialled abumeyang well . the other thing was that the dortmund players spent too much time on the ball allowing themselves to be pressed and lossing possession . the other factor is that time and again dembele doing the same thing time and again . first off he should be taught as to how he needs to play around a player and play give and go to really create the space for himself and the team . touchel was seeing telling the players to pass the ball but the playes were just not following him and at times he seemed frustrated . the trouble is that dortmund were just one dimensional in the game . how many times did they tried to release abumeyang behind the back four and how many times dembele tried to take bender and loose possession . dortmund needs to get back to drawing board and look at the mistakes they have committed .

now dortmund's approach to the game had been the same in all the game . he has spiegel in front of the back four protecting the space and he would sent his other two players in the middle high up the pitch and the game plan had been in every game . either they try to release abumeyang behind the back four and use his pace or use the wide players like dembele and pulisic or emere mor to run on defenses and try to open up the offense . against wolfsburg they had a very easy game because wolfsburg try to play a very open game and that got into the hands of dortmund who could press wolfsburg very hard and other thing that was very good for dortmund is that wolfsbug play a very high line and that too without any hard press and the formation is too open . if you look at the distance between players then you would be amazed and dortmund just took advantage of that . the other joy for dortmund is that the space that their wingers got against wolfsburg . if you had watched dembele that day then you would had been amazed . he turned veirinha inside out but the trouble was that veiriha didnt got enough protection from the wolfsburg midfield and that is why dembele could terrorise veiriniha . but there were warning signs against wolfsburg which touchel ignored and he paid that against real madrid and leverkusen . the thing is that wolfsburg were finding space in front of the back four time and again and touchel was doing nothing to cover it . only speigel was there and he couldnt cover the big space that was there in front of the back four . if you had looked at wolfsburg shots on goal on dortmunds goal then time and again you would see that most of their chances were created in front of the back four . you could even see that just like in leverkusen game also time and again .the one important thing was that when crosses were made from the left by leverkusen then they didnt tried to find somebody in the box or tried to exploit the space in between the back four and the goalkeeper but the ball was cut back and it was played in front of the back four.
dortmund vs madrid
real madrid are very good at playing counter attack and if you let them play that then you will get killed . thats what dortmund did and they almost got teared up . now at times i find touchel to be tactically naive because if things are going in front of his eyes and he does not corrects it then its not proper . the manager is there on the touchlines so that if he sees his primary game plan working then he could switch to other one and time and again i had seen that touchel game plan had been the same throughout the game . dortmund got into a fix as to what they need to do against real madrid as to whether they need to do pressing or should they hold the shape and defend . the pressing was singular and not the whole team was involved in it . real madrid could just pass the ball around and play around on the counter and hit dortmund hard . most importantly they were finding spaces in front of the back four and the space left by the fullback . madrid were just milking dortmund on the counter and most importantly time and again speigel was getting exposed and he couldnt get enough support from his team mates . the back four wasnt coming forward because of the fear of leaving space behind and the other two midfielders were caught high on the pitch .
leverkusen against dortmund .
in this game dortmund got really dismantled . the offense was one dimensional . they tried one single thing time and time again and they were rightly punished for it . leverkusen press hard but they just dont go for it like a mad dog and get themselves exposed . they choose a moment on where on they can press the opponent and then go full on pressing . they let the opposition come on them and dont go on chasing after them . for leverkusen the middle four are very important and they are the ones that are responsible for the press and for ticking the team . kampl and aranguiz just read the game very good and they are nicely seconded by chalangolu and mehmedi. the trouble with dortmund was that they just had one game plan and that was release abumeyang in behind the back four but leverkusen played deep and seconldy their centre backs had good understanding between them and they both martialled abumeyang well . the other thing was that the dortmund players spent too much time on the ball allowing themselves to be pressed and lossing possession . the other factor is that time and again dembele doing the same thing time and again . first off he should be taught as to how he needs to play around a player and play give and go to really create the space for himself and the team . touchel was seeing telling the players to pass the ball but the playes were just not following him and at times he seemed frustrated . the trouble is that dortmund were just one dimensional in the game . how many times did they tried to release abumeyang behind the back four and how many times dembele tried to take bender and loose possession . dortmund needs to get back to drawing board and look at the mistakes they have committed .
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