yesterday man utd got humiliated by chelsea and it is more to mouriniho's hopeless than it is to the defensive indiscipline . i had said that in my earlier post that offense is the greatest defense and if you look at the yesterday's game then it is perfectly true . the trouble with man utd is that they are very one dimensional and unimaginative when they have the ball . i would like to take references of the liverpool game while writing about this game .
chelsea started the with 3-4-3 formation and this formation had them playing because conte had been able to accomodate his all best players plus he had been able to make them play as they want to at the same time adding pace to the attack and making them play at counter rather than playing with possession football . the transition from back to front had been at pace that had helped to win 2 consecutive matches and dominate opposition . while man utd started with their usual 4-4-1-1 formation .
man utd were behind even before they could kick the ball and it was because of chelsea's changed style of play . what the 3-4-3 had done is that it had given pedro and hazard to play as no.10 who could go beyond costa . in this system instead of costa backing out to the centrebacks and get into a confrontation . in this chelsea formation he drops deep asking the centre backs to close him down and if they dont then he has got time on the ball and he releases hazard and pedro beyond him . the other thing that chelsea are doing good is that now both hazard and pedro are not binded to one zone and this gives headache to the defense because they dont know as to whether hazard or pedro are going to come inside or stay wide in their natural positions . the width is provided by fullbacks and the midfielders are there to pull the strings . this system suits pedro the most because he is a natural runner who like to make diagonal runs breaking offside traps . he is better at making runs rather than with ball at his feet . plus he is not binded with the zone and he can make diagonal crossing into others zone which gives headaches to the opposition defenes . conte has got chelsea playing again and his plan A has got him two good wins but the trouble is what happens when his plan A fails and what will he do . the good thing about chelsea's offense is that now both hazard and pedro have got the lisence to move out of their zone instead of having responsibilities to keep on stretching zone and staying wide instead that job is now left to the full backs . chelsea can switch now from back three to back five or four as the situation required and the formation is quite flexible .
in this game man utd started the game with fellaini started to drop on matic while pogba would drop on kante . the trouble with man utd is that they are just ordinary with the ball . first and foremost can somebody fathom the idea of dropping ibramovic and to be honest i think he is the main cause for man utd attack stalling and other is mouriniho who is unimaginative . the thing is that if you stop ibramovic then you stop man utd attack and that's what liverpool did when they played man utd last monday . they just man marked ibra out of the game and they did the same with pogba to just stifle utd attack . whatever attack that came from the flanks they just crowded the box to give no space t head the ball . the trouble with utd is that the attack gets stalled because ibra is making no movement . he is not getting wide and drifting wide or doing anything . secondly there are no runners beyond ibra and nor rashford nor lindgaard made a central run to go beyond ibra . the troubel with utd are that they spend too much time on the ball and this because the offense is not orchestrated by the coach . mouriniho is too dependent on counter attacks but last monday liverpool just killed man utd's counter by stopping two players . the trouble with man utd had been that they had been too reliant on ibra but he had not that mobile so why not play rashford or martial upfront and add more pace to the utd attack which is severly lacking . utd were decent after the half time and it was because mata wasnt confined to his zone instead he was making diagonal runs and creating problems for the opposition and you see that it was the time when utd had the best penetration and ball possession . the trouble with utd is that they know only one type of offense and that is taking ball wide and crossing it into the box . instead they should start working the ball in and they have very good shot takers from beyond the box in pogba and herrera .
one thing i dont understand is why is mouriniho hell bent on playing lindgaard ,young and fellaini . to be honest fellaini is useful when the game is physical but here chelsea were going to play floor and he is not that good in closing down and very mobile . secondly why are young and lindgaard playing when there is an excellent player in mikhitariyan who is better than all of these . i had said that mouriniho has to invent himself as a offensive coach in this job and if he cannot then this will be another bad year for utd fans and they should be ready for it because the football world has moved on with insistence not just only good defending but also on good offense as well .

man utd were behind even before they could kick the ball and it was because of chelsea's changed style of play . what the 3-4-3 had done is that it had given pedro and hazard to play as no.10 who could go beyond costa . in this system instead of costa backing out to the centrebacks and get into a confrontation . in this chelsea formation he drops deep asking the centre backs to close him down and if they dont then he has got time on the ball and he releases hazard and pedro beyond him . the other thing that chelsea are doing good is that now both hazard and pedro are not binded to one zone and this gives headache to the defense because they dont know as to whether hazard or pedro are going to come inside or stay wide in their natural positions . the width is provided by fullbacks and the midfielders are there to pull the strings . this system suits pedro the most because he is a natural runner who like to make diagonal runs breaking offside traps . he is better at making runs rather than with ball at his feet . plus he is not binded with the zone and he can make diagonal crossing into others zone which gives headaches to the opposition defenes . conte has got chelsea playing again and his plan A has got him two good wins but the trouble is what happens when his plan A fails and what will he do . the good thing about chelsea's offense is that now both hazard and pedro have got the lisence to move out of their zone instead of having responsibilities to keep on stretching zone and staying wide instead that job is now left to the full backs . chelsea can switch now from back three to back five or four as the situation required and the formation is quite flexible .

one thing i dont understand is why is mouriniho hell bent on playing lindgaard ,young and fellaini . to be honest fellaini is useful when the game is physical but here chelsea were going to play floor and he is not that good in closing down and very mobile . secondly why are young and lindgaard playing when there is an excellent player in mikhitariyan who is better than all of these . i had said that mouriniho has to invent himself as a offensive coach in this job and if he cannot then this will be another bad year for utd fans and they should be ready for it because the football world has moved on with insistence not just only good defending but also on good offense as well .
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